Tuesday 13 January 2009

Fitness Testing - Rockport Walk Test

  • description: The purpose of this test is to walk as fast as possible for 1 mile. After you have completed the mile, immediately take your pulse rate. If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you can manually count the number of beats for 10 seconds, and then multiply that by 6 to get your minute heart rate. Note the time it took to complete the mile.
  • scoring: A VO2max score can be calculated using the following equation:
    females: VO2 = 139.168 - (0.388 x age) - (0.077 x weight in lb.) - (3.265 x walk time in minutes) - (0.156 x heart rate). males: add 6.318 to the equation for females above.
  • equipment required: stopwatch, smooth and level marked 1 mile track, paper and pencil, heart rate monitor (optional).
  • target population: Suitable for both males and females of poor fitness who would not be able to complete a similar distance run test.
  • advantages: minimal equipment and costs are required, and the test can be self-administered.
  • disadvantages: This test is too easy for highly fit people. Also, since you must walk as fast as possible, the accuracy of this test depends on your pacing ability and level of motivation.

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